techLog = [3, chores, planning];

Tuesdays are “home days” for me while my spouse has the car in another city working. Day 3 of #100daysofblogging: Worked around the house (garbage, recycling, dishes, tidied up) Updated Trello boards, re-prioritized work, created/updated labels Added...

techLog = [2, React, Marketing, this];

My plan for this quarter is to become as comfortable as I can with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.  So much has changed and evolved since I learned them in college almost 20 years ago! My goal for the year is to become proficient with advanced JavaScript and React. Day 2...

techLog = [1, sh, guides, backups];

Writing code has never been a problem for me.  Writing blog posts on the other hand… I was just thinking that rather than doing #100daysofcode (which I had been contemplating), I should do #100daysofblogging to keep a journal of my work progress which extends...

1st freeCodeCamp Intermediate Algorithm in 6 months

Completed my first Intermediate Algorithm Scripting algorithm on freeCodeCamp in six months today!  I had worked on two different contracts for about three of those six months and the rest of the time I have been working on “draining the swamp”, my...

You have now entered the Twilight Zone

This year is 2017 and I would have started using PHP in 2001.  At some point in time, I would have worked on moving from mysql to mysqli, learned stored procedures, and Object-Oriented PHP, and migrated to using PDO.  Over the past few weeks, I have worked on...