Laravel 9 Jetstream Starter Kit using Inertia and Vue

Like most, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of Laravel 9! Yesterday I tweeted about my first Laravel 9 install: ➜ curl -s "" | bash Creating a "laravel/laravel" project at "./app-pricing" Installing...

1st freeCodeCamp Intermediate Algorithm in 6 months

Completed my first Intermediate Algorithm Scripting algorithm on freeCodeCamp in six months today!  I had worked on two different contracts for about three of those six months and the rest of the time I have been working on “draining the swamp”, my...

You have now entered the Twilight Zone

This year is 2017 and I would have started using PHP in 2001.  At some point in time, I would have worked on moving from mysql to mysqli, learned stored procedures, and Object-Oriented PHP, and migrated to using PDO.  Over the past few weeks, I have worked on...

Coming up for air

Amazing how you can write (or start to write) so many blog posts yet a month goes by without publishing any of the 10 drafts you started. Thankfully eight of them are the type of posts I find easier to write which are the “how-to” and the “this vs...

Time to work smarter, not harder!

As you might have read, I am back into doing web development with PHP Programming. Over the past three months, I have been working on solidifying my technology infrastructure with the intent of being able to within minutes, spin up a new environment and get to work on...

Hands off the Keyboard Please

Drat! Three hours into today’s work session and I bust myself writing code when I am supposed to be working on business development.  This is exactly what I was talking about in my Web Entrepreneurs Dream post: The downside of being a programmer, is that I (can)...