Today was supposed to be a half day at the coLab before heading to a soccer game at 1pm.  Waking up to another four inches of snow that I did not want to deal with meant staying curled up in bed until 10am.  Besides which, I know I have been fighting something lately and needed more rest anyways.  I tend to wake up later and stay in bed longer during the dark winter months.  Really looking forward to the spring and getting up earlier to get into work!  Especially after the sun gets up!

Day 7 of #100daysofblogging:

  1. Added Mocha for Unit Testing
  2. Got child setup with Colt Steele’s Web Developer Bootcamp (I’m doing the Advanced one)

Been closer to a year since I have done any Unit Testing and would have been Jasmine with Angular (and very briefly PHPUnit to be able to understand Jasmine).  Vanilla JavaScript and JQuery is mostly what I have written over the past several months (as well as PHP).  While I need to build the projects to obtain my freeCodeCamp certifications, I also want to add advanced features to enhance my portfolio.

To get Mocha installed and running I read the mocha Install docs (after initializing an npm project with: `npm install`).  Apparently running an `npm init` is required before installing mocha.