Laravel Series:
- Laravel Installation and Configuration Guide
- Laravel Quickstart Starter Guide
- Laravel 8: Authentication with Jetstream and Inertia
- Laravel 8: Creating a new Model / Object / Table
- Schema changes after table creations
Laravel API Route:List
// edit && create displays forms
// store && update saves/updates storage
// destroy removes from storage
Route::get('/ais', [AISController::class, 'index'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::get('/ais/show/{id}', [AISController::class, 'show'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::get('/ais/create', [AISController::class, 'create'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::post('/ais/store', [AISController::class, 'store'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::get('/ais/edit/{id}', [AISController::class, 'edit'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::post('/ais/update/{id}', [AISController::class, 'update'] )->name('ais.listing');
Route::get('/ais/destroy/{id}', [AISController::class, 'destroy'] )->name('ais.listing');
// should destroy be POST?
* public function index() { // listing }
* public function show(AIS $ais) { // resource by ID }
* public function create() { // form }
- public function store(Request $request) { // storage }
* public function edit(AIS $ais) { // form }
- public function update(Request $request, AIS $ais) { // storage }
- public function destroy(AIS $ais) { // delete resource by ID from storage }
php artisan cache:clear - Flush the application cache
php artisan config:cache - Create a cache file for faster configuration loading. This is for configuration cache. This command will clear the configuration cache before it creates. More details
php artisan config:clear - Remove the configuration cache file
Unable to prepare route [password/reset] for serialization. Another route has already been assigned name [password.request].
Solution is to remove the default Auth routes from the web.php file:
// Auth::routes();
test with:
php artisan route:cache