journal entries
techLog = [6, JavaScript, twitch app]
Today I busted my twitch app after finding out why it wasn't fully working before: And spending most of the day trying to wrap my head around the data bits and fixing it. Day 6 of...
techLog = [5, coding, JavaScript];
The plan today was to write code! I have two Intermediate and all four of the Advanced projects left to submit for my Front End Development Certification at freeCodeCamp. Out of the six projects left, the Simon game is the only project that I haven't done much work...
techLog = [4, HTML, CSS, networking];
Can't say I got much accomplished today other than networking. My anxiety was horrible today (probably due to the networking), making it incredibly hard to focus. I did get a bit of code written here and there, and tried to get into my Udemy Advanced Web Developer...